Elizabeth & Matthew

We had an early start to this wedding, Matthew wanted some photographs of him taking Monty for a walk on the beach.  It was bright and sunny, but fairly breezy.  I was hoping the forecast was right with the wind decreasing for our stop on the cliffs after the ceremony.

Monty was pretty tricky to photograph, never seeming to stop for long!

 Matthew got ready at La Fregate Hotel, where the reception was to be held later.
 The speech got some last minute attention.

 Lizzy was getting ready at her parents' home, all went well and it wasn't far to go to St. Andrew's Church for the ceremony.

 What an amazing dress, it suited Lizzy perfectly.

 Rev. Tracy Charmley stood in at St. Andrew's Church, it was a very sweet and lovely ceremony.

 After the ceremony we stopped off on the cliffs, fortunately the forecast had delivered, the wind had died down and didn't cause issues with hair or veil.

 The reception room was beautifully decorated.

 Speeches were hilarious, I found it difficult to hold the camera still enough at times!

 The Orangery was a great place for the dancing.  A warm, still evening also allowed people to chat and stay outdoors if they liked.

It was a truly fantastic wedding day.  Apologies if you were expecting this preview to be posted a little quicker, I am currently using a public wi-fi to post this, my internet has been down for 5 days and still unresolved.  Why does this always happen at such a busy time of the year?  Also just when I want to follow the Tour de France!