Amy & Ryan - Duke of Richmond Hotel

There was a sense of fun and informality for Amy & Ryan’s wedding. They did pop to the Greffe in the morning to get the legalities completed, but after that the rest of the day was based at the Duke of Richmond Hotel. This made things quite convenient for us to cover the preparations for both Amy and Ryan, the ceremony room and also the dining room before the guests started arriving.

Amy’s dress was stunning, one of the few short wedding dresses we have seen, it also had pockets! Only the second dress I can remember with pockets, both this year, the start of a trend?

Ryan and his groomsmen were thankful for Ryan’s dad, he expertly tied the cravats and adjusted the button holes perfectly.

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The ceremony room was set up beautifully. Amy’s brother Ben, conducted the ceremony. He was so polished and professional it appeared he was an experienced hand at the task!

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After the ceremony, everyone moved upstairs to the Leopard Bar. Amy and Ryan had an impromptu spin as they waited for people to follow up the stairs.

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Before the call in for food we took some family pictures at Cambridge Park, the fine weather and autumnal conditions made for a lovely setting for the groups and also for a few pictures of Amy & Ryan.

Back in the hotel the dining room was waiting.

One of my favourite pictures of the day, as Hilario flung open the doors of the dining room to the newly announced couple. A photograph like this is a good example of whatever camera you have, autofocus and autoexposure just won’t get the job right, you have to take control yourself!

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Speeches came first, an unconventional order with Amy’s mum starting, plus a speech from Amy’s bridesmaid Laura. Ryan’s brother, Adam, then was in a mischievious mood for his hilarious speech! Not only did he make fun of his brother, he didn’t spare the bride either!

What a beautiful cake!

An eagerly anticipated first dance saw Amy & Ryan dance to music from Stoked.

Stoked may be taking a break, they have been one of my favourite bands at weddings and always fill the floor with their enthusiastic playing. Best of luck guys with whatever you do in the future.

A final picture to finish off this blog, we took the opportunity to take some pictures outside at night. This one shows off Amy’s dress and shoes to great effect!

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